I was reminded of this a couple of times today. First, when I listened to this broadcast of Radio West in the car as I was running errands, and again when my husband had the world series on and during the 7th inning stretch they paused and sang "God Bless America" as a tribute to those who serve.
Most days I take it for granted. I don't have any loved ones or anyone close to me who serves in the military, so don't often think about all they do. But I am so thankful for the many sacrifices they make, not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Many of them give up so much - even their lives - to serve and protect us. I'm also so grateful for the families of those who serve and for all they sacrifice as well.
On another note, as I'm starting this project today I don't really know where I'll go with it. I would like to have something tangible by the time I'm done, but for now I'm just going to record my thoughts here and come up with something as I go along.

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