Wendy (WM[Squared] Designs) put out a Washington D.C. themed kit earlier this month. I was thrilled because I've been meaning to scrap these photos from 2006 forever! Finally done, and I love how it turned out.

{created with Great Escape: DC kit and Great Escape: DC - The Wordart Bits by WM[Squared] Designs; template by Scrapping with Liz}
Violet at nine months. I've been trying to scrap a layout of just her for each month during her first year. The colors in the photo matched the colors of this kit so well.

{created with Life Is Sweet kit by Jenna Desai; Jan 2012 freebie template by Amy Martin; Irish Spaghetti and Courier New fonts}
Another monthly layout, this time at ten months.

{created with Oh Snap kit by WM[Squared] Designs; Be Inspired - Whit - V.3 - Templates by WM[Squared] Designs; Cursif font}
A layout for Dunia's CT with cute photos:

{created with Just the Way You Are kit by Dunia Designs; template by Scrapping with Liz; Irish Spaghetti font}
Using an older Valentine kit by Jenna Desai, and an older photo:

{created with Smitten kit by Jenna Desai; Another Typewriter font}
This was on my list to get scrapped, I also did it for one of the Scrap Orchard challenges:

{created with Carefree Days by Ziggle Designs; Sherbet Spring by SuzyQ Scraps; Milkshake Mini by Laura Banasiak (no longer available); Fruity Fizz by Flergs; Just Realize font}
This was for the BYOC challenge at The Lilypad. One of my favorites this month:

{created with Jan BYOC products from The Lilypad: Duly Noted v.2 by Allison Pennington; Scrap Essentials no. 3 by Jenna Desai; Photo Frames no. 8 by Jenna Desai; These Are The Days wordart by Jacque Larsen; Another Typewriter font}
I love Wendy's templates! This is one of her new sets, with an older kit. She's also making handwriting fonts now, I used her wm_spacedout font on this page.

{created with Be Inspired - Fonetta - templates by WM[Squared] designs; Happy Anniversary kit by WM[Squared] Designs; Clementine Sketch and wm2_wendyspacedout fonts}
Another using the January BYOC (Bring Your Own Collab) stuff from the Lilypad:

{created with Scrap Essentials No. 3 (project 365) by Jenna Desai; Photo Frame No. 8 (project 365) by Jenna Desai; project life These Are The Days wordart by Jacque Larsen; background paper from Togetherness kit by Jenna Desai and Micheline Martin; green pilloww font}
I loved this template by Amy Martin! She offered it to her newsletter subscribers. It was actually a chance to get published... which I did not, but I like how the page turned out.

{created with He Said She Said kit by Lauren Reid and Sugarplum Paperie; template by Amy Martin; Elise, Nothing You Could Say, and Arsenale White fonts}
Also for a Lilypad challenge...

{created with Chirpy Solids freebie by Micheline Martin; Pockets No. 3: The Basics by Valorie Wibbens; These Are The Days wordart by Jacque Larsen; Flaglets by Lauren Reid; candle by Micheline Martin from Hoppy Birthyday collab by The Lilypad designers; hat from Lonestar kit by Jacque Larsen; eleven wordart from Everyday Project kit by Studio Basic and Dunia Designs; hearts from Fresh Pieces by Studio Basic; house from Happy Homemaker by Erica Zane; All Hail Julia and Rub This! fonts}
This one was made to use new journaling cards by Dunia:

{created with Write it Down - Vol. 2 by Dunia Designs; Some Kind of Monster kit by Dunia Designs; Pea Quinny font}
New Valentines stuff from Jenna. I love that doodly wordart!

{created with Valentine Wordart by Jenna Desai; Valentine Journal Cards by Jenna Desai; Stitched Hearts by Jenna Desai; background paper from Birthday Wishes kit by Jenna Desai; pink stripe paper from Best Friends kit by Jenna Desai; pink paper from Hoppy Birthday collab kit by The Lilypad designers; template by Fiddle Dee Dee Designs; Cicle font}
Another Lilypad challenge. This is also my OLW (one little word) for the year.

{paper, owl, typewriter, flowers, square alpha from Bookmarked kit by The Tattered Pear; scallop trim from He Said, She Said by Lauren Reid and Sugarplum Paperie; red trim and tag from Wicked Smart collab by The Lilypad designers; heart from Hope collab by The Lilypad designers; Markerific Alpha by CD Muckosky; Rough Typewriter font}
Love this new kit from Jenna!

{created with Best Friends kit by Jenna Desai; Simply*Glamorous font}
I try to create a layout like this for each of my kids every year. I start with their birthday month (in this case February) and put a picture of them each month. So this layout shows Zach each month when he was five years old. These are some of my favorite pages ever. Maybe when they're all grown up I'll put them all together in a book. For now they'll get printed and just go in our family album in the year they belong.

{created with Pure Love kit by Jenna Desai; Valentine Doodles by Jenna Desai; Aspen templates by Sara Gleason; Free Spirit alpha by CD Muckosky; Century Gothic, Bellerose, and All Hail Julia fonts}
And one more, using a fun new kit from Dunia.

{created with From Me To You kit by Dunia Designs; template by Alexis Aragona; Cinnamon Cake font}