Just lights:

Our elf, Fritz, with bokeh. Pretty magical, huh?

Here's the starburst effect. This look is achieved by leaving the shutter open for a long time so you have to have a steady surface or a tripod to eliminate movement. I don't have a tripod, so I had to settle for the angle I could get from my coffee table. I would love to play around with this more and get a closer shot with a different angle.

And one more bokeh, with my son in there too. I really like the look of the colored lights - we found these on a tree in the waiting area of a restaurant we were at this morning.

Have you ever tried shooting bokeh? I love the look, and it was a lot easier to achieve than I expected. I'm hoping I can keep up with all the lessons over the next two weeks, and get some really good holiday photos to scrap!

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