{papers & elements from 100 things kit by Lauren Reid; Skimpy Skamp alpha by Lauren Reid; Pea Snow, Aresenale White, and Rockwell fonts}

{everything from Singin' in the Rain kit by Jenna Desai and Jacque Larsen; Pea Hayley Jo font}

{Sparkly Holiday by Jenna Desai; Holiday Frames & Wordart by Jenna Desai; Holiday Essentials by Jenna Desai; Christmas Waltz Alphabet by Rachel Young; Christmas Waltz Papers by Rachel Young; BeautifulEveryTime font}

{created with Hope collab by the Lilypad designers; Free Spirit alpha by CD Muckosky; template by Amy Martin; Spicy Sushi Roll alpha}

{created with Crazy Love kit by WM[Squared] Designs; wm2_wendy messy font by WM[Squared] Designs; template by Nanie's Designs}

{everything from the Everyday Project Bundle by Dunia Designs and Studio Basic; Arsenale White and Jenna Sue fonts}

{created with Christmas Wishes Bundle by WM[Squared] Designs; The Sidekick Kid font}

{template from Be Inspired - KimR - Vol. 3 by WM[Squared] Designs; Autumn Whispers bundle by WM[Squared] Designs; Lauren Script and Nothing You Could Say font}