These first three layouts were created using templates by Scrapping with Liz. I love her stuff because it usually features medium/big spots for photos, and usually room for more than one photo, while still offering lots of room to embellish. She's definitely one of my favorite template designers.

{papers & elements from "Silly Silly Bo Billy" kit by Jady Day Studio; Myriad Pro font}

{paper and elements from Hugging and Loving kit by Laura Banasiak; alpha from Sweet Caroline kit by Meredith Cardall}

{paper and elements from Apple Jacks kit by Lyndsay Riches; Myriad Pro font}
This one was created with a template by Dunia Designs. (Yes, I am on her creative team, but the kit I used is from a different designer.) I loved the option for so many photos. In the center of the original template was a cutout of the year 2010, but I just deleted that layer and put my title there instead.

{paper and elements from A Monster of a Day kit by Band Geek Designs; Rough Typewriter font}
This last one is by Zinnias and Swallowtails (aka Sara Gleason). I really like her layering style with lots of space. It makes for a very clean look, which I'm always drawn to, but it's a style that I'm not that good at recreating myself. So a template is perfect for me.

{paper and elements from Techno Girl kit by Pixel Gypsy; Century Gothic and Luna fonts}
Do you use templates? What's your favorite source for templates? Not sure what a template is? Here's a good video tutorial. Here's to creating more layouts!

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