After waffling a bit, I've decided to take the plunge and participate in A Week in the Life along with Ali Edwards. Not sure what that is? Rather than try to explain it myself, you can find out more on Ali's site. Anyway, I'm really excited. I participated back in 2008, and it has been my most favorite scrapbooking project to date. It is a lot of work and can tend to be overwhelming, (which is probably why I haven't attempted it again) but the end result is so worth it. I'm really excited! Last time I did it I uploaded my photos at the end of each day and posted the daily happenings on my family blog. I then went back after the week was through and used those blog posts as an outline for my album. Not sure if I'll go that route again, but it seemed to work pretty well so I'm leaning that way. I'll be sure to post the finished album here. I'm so excited! Anyone want to join the fun?

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