{papers and elements from Somewhere Over the Rainbow collab kit by Dunia Designs and Studio Basic; Howser, Century Gothic, and Love Ya Like a Sister fonts}

{Embrace Simplicity Vol. 2 template by Dunia Designs; alpha from Alphabet Soup - girly by Dunia Designs; papers and elements fromOne Love collab by Dunia Designs and Sugar Fancy; Century Gothic font}

{Duo (Stripes) templates by Dunia Designs; papers and elements from A Boy's Diary kit by Dunia Designs and Ju Kneipp; Pea Sarah Cute and 4990810 font}

{stripe paper from Walkin on Sunshine by Traci Reed; red paper from Celebrate by Gina Miller; graph paper from Celebrate kit by Digital Scrapbook Memories; dotted paper (recolored) from Somewhere over the Rainbow by Dunia Designs; Crayon, Crayoff alpha by Denise Beatty originals; label from School Rules kit by Something Blue Studio; leaves from Fruity Fizz by Flergs; crayons from Creative Minds by Sherry Ferguson; flowers from Story of Everyday Life collab kit (from the Daily Digi) by Misty Cato; template by Jenn Lindsay; Century Gothic font}
Second, I'm still keeping up with most of the Project: Love, Me prompts. This month I made three pages, and I'm hoping to squeeze in the fourth soon. The theme for June was iCreate. Prompts for July have just been posted, with the theme iCelebrate. They've also changed it up so that all the months prompts are posted at once which gives a bit more time to get them done. Here are my iCreate layouts, everything used is from the iCreate bundle:

Third, I have really been enjoying listening to podcasts of The Digi Show (formerly The Paperclipping Digi Show). I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here before, but I really enjoy them. They make mowing the lawn go by a lot faster! And best of all they're free. You can find out how to subscribe and listen here.
And now I think I'm caught up here.. phew!

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