Today I decided to delve a little bit into the process of creating this layout, and "event" layouts in general. I tend to lean more towards scrapping the "everyday moments" pages, but the big "event" memories are just as important to me. I want that reflected in our family scrapbook albums. This summer our family took a trip to Denver for a few days. I knew I wanted to record this trip, and finally tackled it this weekend. Here are some of my thoughts and tips about it.
1. Dealing with lots of photos & stories. With big events, there's always a LOT of photos. I find it difficult to scrapbook these design-wise, but these are stories I really want to tell. There were lots of stories from this trip - the driving, visiting friends, going to the zoo, staying at the hotel, swimming, going to a baseball game, etc. I was toying with the idea of doing a couple of separate layouts to document this trip, but in the end I realized I just wanted to get it done and move onto other stories. So I decided a two page spread with a handful of my favorite photos from the trip + some journaling would suffice. Something I sometimes forget is that I don't have to scrap every photo! As long as the story is told, that's what's important. And I can always go back and tell a story in more detail - in fact, I created a layout a few weeks ago that focused on a specific story that occurred during this trip while we were at the zoo. (It's the Bad Day layout from this post.)
2. Find a kit or products you love. I have been eying this Leavin' on a Jet Plane kit by Laura Banasiak and Jenn Barrette ever since it was released. The first thing that caught my eye were the colors! And being by two of my favorite designers I of course loved the patterns and elements. I can't get enough of that map paper! Earlier in the week I participated in a speed scrap at Scrap Orchard sponsored by Laura and was lucky enough to win a coupon to her store. I snagged this kit along with the Watercolor Alpha I used for the title - I love a painted alpha. Just having this kit made me want to create something with it... without it this page would probably still be un-scrapped. (I'm pretty sure that's not a real word!)
3. Mix up the design. For these types of layouts, I almost always choose a linear blocked design. I think it works best with so many photos. To change it up a bit, I put everything slightly tilted on a diagonal. I think it adds just a bit more interest and whimsy. I also think mixing up the title with different alphas (or fonts) and making it big adds to the design.

I hope you found this little peek into my process of scrapping this event helpful. How do you approach big events or too many photos? I'd love to know!