I can't remember how I found about this site, but I think
The Digi Dares is pretty awesome. Each week they post a "dare" or scrapbooking challenge. If you participate, you usually get a coupon for some scrapbooking goodies, and if you win you get a gift card for some goodies. I don't visit their site often, but I recently signed up for their facebook group and so now I get a message in my inbox each time they post a new dare. Today I decided to play along.... the rules of this dare were:
choose a person/thing in your life and list five reasons why you love them.- use at least one photo of the thing your layout is centered around- white space on each side of your layout, so center it and fill the center 1/3 of the page from top to bottom- journal each reason a different way. use tags, stickers, scrap pieces of paper, etc.- use red on your layout somewhere but you can NOT use hearts anywhere on the page.My attempt:

I love a good challenge, especially ones that deal with the design of the layout. I get stuck in a rut and have a hard time thinking outside of the box, and I thought this design with everything down the middle and space on the sides was so fun. Go try it - I digi dare ya!
{background paper, notebook paper, staples from "Art Nation" by Emily Powers; acrylic stars by Nikki; number tag from "Happy Go Lucky" and brad from "Festival" by Shabby Princess; red alpha from "Enjoy the Journey" by Dirty Feet Designs; circle alpha from "Wonderful" by Michelle Coleman; white label from "Funky Love" by Megan Turnidge; colored paint strokes from "Different Strokes" by FeiFei's Stuff; circle label from "Journal Me" and red scribble from "Hugs and Kisses" by Lauren Reid; ink stain from "Something Springy" by Anna Aspnes; "Pea Jenny Roman" and "Typewriter" fonts}